Publication Services
Technical Editing
There is a great skill in conveying technical information in an easy to understand way – we can help you to improve the quality and ease of use of your technical information.
The question that is frequently asked is “Why do I need a technical editor?” A technical editor can make a huge improvement to your publication. The editor will go beyond checking for grammar, punctuation and spelling to address the following issues:
Ease of reading
Conforming with house style or ensuring that the style is consistent within the publication
Publication layout
Ensuring the publication is suitable for the target audience
Improving poorly structured sentences
Reviewing the scientific terms, units and dimensions for accuracy
Dealing with the numerical accuracy, layout and consistency
Resolving issues of Technical ambiguity
Enhancing the synopsis, content, index, headings and subheadings
Improving data and chart presentation
Ensuring that diagrams and data are clear, consistent and easy to understand
Checking citations
Checking and proof reading and ensuring that the layout does not waste paper
The work of a good technical editor will rarely be seen; it is only poor editing that is obvious to the reader. A good editor will ensure that the document flows, is easy to navigate and that figures and tables are easy to find and understand.